Hour of Code Reflection
I did basketball. I got to level seven.
Symmetry Name
ROW Your Site
This information is from http://facts4me.com. The arctic wolf hunts for food in a pack of seven to ten wolves and they all live together. The only predator to an arctic wolves are polar bears.Its diet is musk ox,caribou,arctic hares.
mystery number
1.The number has 5 digits. 2.The value of one of the digits is 50,000. 3.One of the digits is worth 4. 4.The number in the tens place is 2 times the number in the ones place. 5.The product of 9 and 1 is in the thousands place. 6.the product of 1 and 2 is in Read More…
3rd Grade Reflectoin
Comparing and Ordering Numbers
Ordering Numbers Ordering numbers is putting the numbers least to greatest or greatest to Least. Here is an example: 6,2,4,1,5,3. You can order those numbers from least to greatest 1,2,3,4,5,6. Do you get it now? So ordering is just finding the greater or least number in order form but greater than is just backwards. Read More…
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